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East Fiore

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Oak Town

Oak Town is one of the oldest towns in Fiore, home to the Phantom Lord guild who took over the castle at the top of the tallest hill. The town is known for being relatively quiet, but the truth is that there is quite a lot of crime ever since the Magic Council and the Rune Knights were kicked out.
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Barster Town

A town famed for its fantastic culinary creations and wonderful tourist attractions. The town is filled with many different kinds of people, including many visiting foreigners from other lands. However, secrets abound in the town, often the source being the leadership of the land.
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Dragon Spire

Said to have once been the home of dragons on Earthland, the Dragon Spire is one of the largest structures in the world. Comprised of a massive spire of stone surrounded and covered by a massive forest, the Dragon Spire is more ancient than any human civilization. Many treasures still remain in the spire for one to find. The forest surrounding the spire actually climbs up the stone as well making only the top of the spire visible.
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Velcor City

Velcor is often classified as one of the most exotic cities in the world. The entire city is situated underground with half the buildings on the ground while the other half hangs from the ceiling of the massive cave. Archaeologists commonly reside in the city along with its citizens to discover the secrets hidden in the city's depths.
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